For our of what we live and we believe,
our lives become the stories that we weave.
This gallery contains photographs from the May 2018 production of Once on This Island, Jr. at UP Academy Oliver. This production was the first-ever musical that UAO produced and was a great success. Directed by Ms. Katie Speed, with Music Direction by Mr. Krish Jaiman and Choreography by Ms. Kourtney Suliveras. Production assistance from Ms. Heidi Gomez. Technical direction by Ms. Kay Lawler. Sound provided by New England AV Solutions.
The little girl cries at the fire.
Comforted by her community.
Papa Ge, Sly Demon of Death.
Asaka, Erzulie, and Papa Ge
"Once on this island, there was a terrible storm..."
One small girl in a tree
Matant Euralie and Matant Julianna
Grown Ti Moune
Praying to the Gods
And the gods heard her prayer!
"A juicy mango!"
Ti Moune in Agwe's storm
Agwe orchestrates her storm
The power of Agwe
Peasants fear the repercussions of helping Daniel.
Ti Moune, Daniel, and Matant Euralie at Ti Moune's mat.
Ti Moune cares for Daniel.
Papa Ge strikes a bargain.
"Take mine for his!"
"And I am yours."
Ti Moune faces a difficult choice.
Matant Julianna
"What I am you made me."
"Always there with me."
Asaka encourages Ti Moune.
"I've seen the scar on your chest."
The Human Heart
Erzulie sings "The Human Heart."
Storytellers are touched by Ti Moune's love.
Ti Moune and her Daniel.
The Grand Ball at the Hotel Beauxhomme.
Andrea and Daniel entering the Grand Ball.
Ti Moune, Andrea, and Daniel
"Won't you give us a show?"
Ti Moune's Dance
The Grands Hommes join in.
Andrea confronts Daniel
Heartbroken Ti Moune
Papa Ge taunts Ti Moune
A near-death experience
"Trade yours for his."
Unsuspecting Daniel
The moment of truth
Ti Moune cast out of the Hotel Beauxhomme
The wedding
The final betrayal
The death of Ti Moune
The gods blessed her and turned her into...
...a tree!
"Our lives become the stories that we weave."
Choreographing bows
Why we tell the story
Closing night flowers
Closing night tears

The Full Cast and Crew of "Once on This Island, Jr."
Music Director Krish Jaiman and Director Katie Speed